International Class Halloween Party !!(10/24)

The International Career Course held its annual Halloween Party open to all International students from every year. The party is organized by two of the foreign teachers and includes snacks, costumes and games with prizes! This year’s costumes included a Musketeer, a pirate, a maid and more. The students got to enjoy putting on crazy, over-the-top make up just for the party to get in the spirit of Halloween as well as getting to munch on many different snacks!
There were various games such as “Pin the Parts on the Zombie”, “Digging for Treasure”, “Halloween Twister” and more, including our favorite “Paper Islands” and the traditional Halloween game “Bobbing for Apples”. Everyone had a lot of fun and were able to have a taste of something different to being in a school in Japan. From everyone from Etoile, we wish you a Happy Halloween!